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The History of Yoga - Where Did Yoga Come ?

No One knows exactly how old yoga is. It originated as long as 10,000 to 5000 years ago. It had been handed down orally and has gone through evolution that was much. The reference to alcoholism has been discovered when excavations were made in the Indus valley - an strong and influential civilization from the first period that was antique. This civilization developed around the river and the Indus river in northern India and'd sewage systems, baths as early as 2,600 BC.

While religions continue It goes to all people, To wish to make yoga their very own creation. It has many facets that can be found from the Hindu and Buddhist religion, but the basic principals are universal and according to"the eight limbs of yoga", which can be found in most religions.
The History of Yoga is defined as four phases:

Vedic Post Classical Period, Pre-Classical Period, Classical Period, Period and the Modern Period
History of Yoga

Yoga Is reported to be as old as civilization itself but the practice's oral transmission, has left gaps in its history. Earliest archeological evidence concerning yoga's existence is found excavated from the Indus valley, depicting a figure seated in a yoga pose that was conventional. The rock seals place Yoga's presence around 3000 B.C.

The Vedic Period

The following Reference yoga is located in the Rig Veda. The Vedas, dating back to 1200 BC and 1500, are a collection of hymns, mantras and brahmanical rituals which praised a being that is greater. Meditation is known to in the book as discipline or yoking with no mention of a practice or a procedure to attain this discipline. The Atharva Veda also mentions yoga to controlling the breath, with a reference.

Pre-Classical Period

The creation of the Upanishads, Between 800 to 500 BC, marks the period known as Pre-Classical Yoga. https://yoga-world.org intends to sit implies that the only way a student could learn the truths was sitting near to a professional.

The Maitrayaniya Upanishad outlined a path to liberation. This six-fold yoga path included controlling the breath (pranayama), withdrawing the senses (pratyahara), meditation (dhyana), concentration (dharana), contemplation (tarka), and absorption (samadhi). Patanjali's Yoga Sutra was afterwards to mirror these paths with a few additions and elucidation.

Two yoga areas Gained prominence now: karma yoga (path of action or ritual) and jnana yoga (path of knowledge or study of the scriptures). Both avenues led to liberation or enlightenment. The Bhagavad-Gita, composed around 500 BC later included the bhakti yoga (the path of devotion) to this path.

It had been at the time of the Upanishads that the Notion of Ritual sacrifice became the notion of sacrifice of the ego through action self-knowledge and wisdom and was internalized. This remains an significant part yoga's philosophy now. Now Much like the Vedas, the Upanishads comprised nothing of what we would term as yoga asana practice. The most important and first presentation of yoga came in the next period.

Classical Period

Written some Time Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, in the second century produced a milestone in the history of yoga, defining what's now called the first period. This set of 195 sutras (aphorisms) is considered to be the first systematic presentation of yoga, also Patanjali is revered as the father of yoga.

Patanjali defined the eight-limbed path of yoga (ashtanga yoga), which explained a practical treatise on living and laid a route for attaining stability of the mind, body and soul. Strict adherence to which would lead one. But yoga sees the need to learn the eight limbs in series the sutras function as a guideline for living in the world.

Post-Classical Period
It Was in this period the belief of the human body as a temple had been rekindled and yogis made a practice to rejuvenate the human body and also to prolong life. It was no more necessary to escape from reality; instead the focus was more alive in the moment and about the path that is right. The exploration of the halves and the spiritual and the necessity to harmonize the mind, body and soul led to cleanse the entire body and mind, and also to Hatha yoga at the tenth or ninth century.
Contemporary Period

Yoga in its current avatar owes lots of To heard gurus who researched and created schools of yoga, or traveled west to spread the benefits of yoga. Back in 1893 Swami Vivekanada addressed the Parliament of World Religions at Chicago and spoke about Raja yoga. Swami Sivanada introduced the five fundamentals of yoga and wrote a few books. J.Krishnamurti, the prolific Indian philosopher, influenced thousands with his teachings and writings on Jnana yoga.

The epicenter of daytime yoga, as practiced in the west, began in 1931 with Krishnamacharya.

T The Hatha yoga college opened in the 1920s.

Since Then, a lot more yoga professionals are becoming pioneers, popularizing yoga and locating new styles in keeping with the times.

Yoga in America has been A yogi knows, although more focused on this practice's Asana facet There is more to the encounter. I advise students to try Styles and you will find one which gives you the most enrichment.